REICHHART nominated as finalist in the Starnberg Business Award
Gilching near Munich - The logistics company REICHHART has been nominated for the Starnberg 2022 Business Award. Under this year's motto of "Role Models: Corporate role models for women-oriented, profitable leadership", the prize is awarded to companies that demonstrate their commitment to fairness and mixed management teams, pursue this strategy over the long term and are economically successful in the process.
The Starnberg Region Business Award has been presented for more than 10 years by gwt Starnberg GmbH in partnership with the Starnberg Region Economic Forum. The 2022 award focuses on companies that support their female employees along their professional path by providing good ideas and concepts, and that open up opportunities for employees to develop their potential at every stage of their personal and professional career. As a family-owned company committed to equal opportunities and development potential for female and male employees, REICHHART Logistik was chosen by the interdisciplinary jury as one of the finalists.
Heterogeneous leadership and teams as a success factor
In its corporate policy, REICHHART Logistics relies on flexible solutions to promote reconciliation of work and family life as well as foster its employees' development. Individually tailored options, internal and external training opportunities, and part-time working-hours arrangements all help to establish heterogeneous teams and management structures in the company. This is reflected in results including a high quota of women at upper management level; at 45 per cent, this is above the industry average. REICHHART also actively promotes women in the logistics sector. This year, for example, the company was nominated twice for the "Logistik ist weiblich" ("Logistics is female") award of Logistik Initiative Bayern and the Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Construction and Transport. Internal and external communications at the family-owned company are also geared to authentically conveying what women can achieve at REICHHART and in the world of logistics in general – for example, by means of high-profile campaigns like "Ladies in Logistics".
"We are delighted to be nominated for the Business Award 2022. We are convinced that our company needs diverse teams with varied perspectives to ensure we can respond to future challenges with effective solutions and thus remain successful. With this in mind, we seek to promote women in logistics as well as in leadership positions, and showcase the opportunities for all genders in this traditionally male-dominated industry. We wholeheartedly endorse this year's award motto in the knowledge that we can make a meaningful contribution to social change with initiatives like this", says Managing Director Alexander Reichhart.
Further information on the Starnberg Business Award can be found here: Business Award - StarnbergAmmersee Region.